02 February 2010


3 days 2 night trip ...
where i went?
my dearest hometown - kuala linggi
this time only me follow my parent back
went there for.... CLEANING
opz no...
it's was a spring cleaning
so i should "enjoy" it ^^
the house already "empty" for half year
becoz my grandmum is live with us now
however, all of us hv to go bac there during new year
yea, i really like it...
i mean all the family members gather
sunday, my dad bring me to his primary school
he told me, now the whole school only hv 4+ students
very little ,rite?

my dad's primary school
after my breakfast
is time to work
i wash the floor n painted the wall
this is my 1st time neh
proud ...wakaka

this is the wall i painted
not bad rite? ^^
i was painted the "qiu qian"
started from 9 a.m
until 1p.m i oli finish it
that not a easy job neh ...


pro leh?
this "gong gong" full of my childhood memories...
it can fit around 8 people
although very tired with those job
but i was enjoy also
becoz this house, full of meaning
my grandmum very love her house also
she said she don't want to come k.l
but, i worried ...
we cant let her alone there,
although i knew she very love there
sorry, my dearest grandmum
yea, i love my grandmum ^^

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