11 February 2010

give peace , a chance

firstly, sorry for my poor english
yesterday, went for a presentation prepared by US3
a very good presentation
yea... a very big hand to u all
beside that, the topic is really touch
"animals hv right too"
after watch some video clips
my tears were rolled
at last, it fall down
mayb i'm a person easy to cry

yes, after the presentation
i tell myself i must try my best to protect our mother nature

as u know,
nowaday are really hot,
when i doing my homework at night
some mosquitos are disturb me
first thing fly on my mind is
" kill those mosquitos"
luckily, i remember what i had told myself in the morning
i has changed my mind
i jz leave the room and take bath again

although jz a insect
but they feel pain too
i'm sorry that i got the idea to kill them
i'm very sorry
when i told my mum about the presentation
i cried again
OMG, i'm so useless
what can i do for them?
for those get hurt bcoz of me @ humans
give peace a chance
animals hv right too

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